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Remembering Stan
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Welcome to the memorial webpage for Stanley Jay Rosenberg M.D. We are happy that you are here to celebrate and remember the life of our beloved. To read more about Stan's life and how we are paying tribute to him now, visit the "Remembering Stan" tab. For photos, videos, and other visual memories of Stan, click on the "Photo Gallery" tab, and for written stories, reflections, and memories click to "Shared Memories."
If you would like to contribute any written reflections and stories as we collectively remember Stanley and celebrate his life, please use the link on the "Shared Memories" tab. To share photos and videos, please use the contact form on the "Photo Gallery" page.
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Thank you for visiting Stan's Memorial page. If you have any questions about the site or would like to be in touch with the family, please use the form below. If you would like to submit a story or memory visit the Remembering Stan page.
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